We produce of heavy duty machinery parts for the mining, construction, timber, agricultural industries. We are also into welding and fabrication of metal components. We also engage in the training of artisans. We have again built a cupola furnace to aid in the recycling of our unused scrap metals.
We are into the production of heavy duty machinery parts for the mining, construction, timber, agricultural industries. We are also into welding and fabrication of metal components. We also engage in the training of artisans. We have again built a cupola furnace to aid in the recycling of our unused scrap metals.
We work with sectors listed but not limited to the ones below.
We manufacture and provide all the necessary support to make the machines work.
70% down payment and settle the remaining 30% while we work to meet your needs and world class standards.
For any machinery we produce, efforts are made to fully understand the purpose for which they are acquiring it.
We stick to deadlines as much as required. We value the time of our customers and work to ensure that we meet set targets.